Saturday, 7 December 2019


There are a few hosting options available: Grow supply revenue For unmanaged assets, supply triggered marketing can send clients an email with a purchasing link when toner is low. It provides for continual data collection of meters, supplies, and service for networked devices. NET Framework and other minimum requirements come embedded on the USB key, therefore they are not required to be installed onto the computer at any point. Supply Triggered Delivery provides control over when toner is shipped, based on the average usage of each device. Refer to the included help documentation for a list detailed requirements. fmaudit viewer usb

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GT Technologies - FMAudit Viewer USB Product Information

It provides for continual data collection of meters, supplies, and service for networked devices. Here are some of the most popular: It provides for continual data collection of meters, supplies, and service for networked devices.

Meet us at a tradeshow Find out where we will be and come visit us. No software is installed onto the computer.

This vieeer is updated daily and synchronized with your server, ensuring you are always working with the latest data. For more information, contact Document Accounting Solutions on vieweg FMAudit allows you to collect meters from local printers, enabling you to deliver and bill for a total managed print solution.

DAS managing director Russel Roth says FMAudit provides the flexibility to allow for meter readings without installing a single piece of software on the client's site.

FMAudit Onsite is a service which runs in the background and performs audits and exports to configured destinations on predefined schedules. This data can then be leveraged to create Total-Cost-of-Ownership TCO reports, account management strategies, and customized workflows for your supply and service alerts. We provide a variety to accommodate your diverse client base:. How it Works The client clicks on a link that opens their Web browser WebAudit discovers the devices on the client's network and creates a table of the meter readings The client transmits the data to you simply by clicking "Send" This data is sent to your Central Server and is synchronized with your billing system Local Agent patent pending PC-installed data collection Local Agent allows you to capture meters from non-networked devices.

Information collected through our Data Capture Technologies goes into the central server and allows you to create reportsaccount management strategies, and set up supply and service alerts.

When plugged in to a recipient computer, this key will launch as a removable drive. This allows you to quickly create TCO reports based on industry information. Local Agent allows you to capture meters from non-networked devices. FMAudit makes technological breakthrough. There are more than fields of information for each device images, supply costs, yields, part numbers, etc. Optional features allow the end-user to submit service copies, and notes for each device.

Not only does this provide data for the initial sale, it also provides reports to present during quarterly reviews with the client.

fmaudit viewer usb

Turn meters into sales engines Send data on non-managed assets to your sales team. Grow supply revenue For unmanaged assets, supply triggered marketing can send clients an email with a purchasing link when toner is low.

Manual print assessments during vjewer sales process can consume days and even weeks of effort.

Managed Print Services

Read more about FMAudit's data capture. FMAudit is dedicated to developing solutions that remove Meter Mystique, the cumbersome human element of collecting highly valuable print asset information.

Turn meters into sales engines Send data on non-managed assets to your sales team.

The data can then be retrieved from another computer and imported into the central server. Now, the same information can be gathered in minutes with FMAudit Viewer. When plugged in to a recipient computer, this key viewr launch as a removable drive. He says FMAudit allows clients to capture meters for non-networked devices.

FMAudit Viewer USB

WebAudit eliminates the need for manually tmaudit meter read information. NET Framework and other minimum requirements come embedded on the USB key, therefore they are not required to be installed onto the computer at any jsb. Learn about the components that make up the FMAudit suite and how to use them to benefit your business.

Manual print assessments during the sales process can consume days and even weeks of effort. The solution offers ongoing assessment on the customer's volume, service alerts and toner levels.

fmaudit viewer usb

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