Tuesday, 3 December 2019


Rebooted and it's fine now though. I looked around on launchpad and google, but couldn't find anything appropriate. I found this update seems to focus more on problems that came up with the in dual card variants. The Von Matrices, post: Does this driver now work for you? Org X Server Version 1. I have also had F H not work nice with some games. amd catalyst 14.9

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Adam Rustler Adam Rustler 6 6 bronze badges. I do get the stupid flickering shadows that plagued AMD series cards. Went back to my old GTX for a while, no issues whatsoever, apart from everything running slower. Ask Ubuntu works best with JavaScript enabled. I think I may wait on this driver I've had the issue for over a year with a and now this card, the used to crash and then the 3D application like Guild Wars 2 would artifact catalhst crazy or just break.

drivers - GUI crashes after installing AMD Catalyst on Ubunut - Ask Ubuntu

It's not horrible, but god damn is it distracting! Theres no way you can get that many serious problems just from drivers. I think the only issue i had was the screen not waking up after a catallyst state. I see no reason to update to this beta driver though. Sign up using Email and Password. You may want to enable it back to boost state stock settings and see what happens.

AMD Catalyst Drivers (Windows 7/8 bit) Download

This card by chance? Sounds like a hardware issue.

amd catalyst 14.9

So; I updated to the Sign up or log cataljst Sign up using Google. Are you sure this isn't a problem specific to F H rather than a problem that applies to all OpenCL applications? Seems like most people have luck getting rid of it by ridding the "edge detect" AA. Another driver, another hopeless battle. Try disabling V sync in game and force it -with triple buffering- in D3D overrider.

Good question, could be F H honestly. I have a fresh install of Ubuntu Rebooted and it's fine now though.

It addresses an intermittent black-screen or BSOD issue caused after driver installation of Catalyst I play on the tv wich is duplicated with the monitor. I had xfire s OCed heavily, single then dual and no driver issues except for games that were shit all around on both chip makers.

How To Install The AMD Catalyst 14.9 On The Most Popular Linux Systems

Friday, October 10th After powering off my HDMI monitor with my the current drivers will not refresh the audio device, so I have to unplug catlayst cable on my TV and plug it back in, woe is me.

I have big problems with vsync in assassins creed. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Over many driver releases I haven't experienced problems when when I used my s to OpenCL mine Litecoin while playing games, other than the games having a lower framerate as the two tasks were balanced.

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The Von Matrices, post: After it installed without any problems using dkms I rebooted the system and ended in a black screen. Symptoms of bad hardware minus black screen after resume. It's very hit or miss though. Never found a fix. As you are using the close source driver I suggest you file a bug report with ATI.

amd catalyst 14.9

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